I want YOU, to WANT to!

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One Man's Journey

This is the journey of one man, from 420 pounds to 220 pounds... in 18 months!

No Drugs

No Surgery

No Fad Diets

No Chemicals

No Starvation

Who is Jim Akman?

Jim Akman was a former dancer and stunt man until he had a serious accident. After battling with injuries, excess weight, loss of friends and work lost due to size issues, he resolved to lose weight in a safe and healthy manner. Follow his journey as he goes from Boot Camp, to a Nutritional Doctor, to his own self propelled program of health and fitness.

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To order this book, please contact GemStar at the address below. Cost for the paperback copy is $15 plus shipping and handling. Hard cover book is $25 plus shipping and handling.

It will arrive, signed by the author, and will include an autographed picture as well. 

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Currently only available in Paperback - $15.00 plus S&H

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